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India’s GDP growth contracts 23.9%: What is the economics behind the math? -Udit Misra and Nushaiba Iqbal

-The Indian Express India GDP Q1 Data: Demand from individual citizens and private businesses plummeted in Q1, increase in government’s demand made up for just 6% of this fall Although most people expected India’s GDP to show substantial contraction when the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) released the data for the first quarter (April, May, June) of the current financial year on Monday, the broad consensus was that the decline...

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The Wilful Destruction By The Himalaya Must Stop -Ramachandra Guha

-NDTV The Himalaya are India's most important natural asset. Without them, the country would not survive. These grand mountains are a barrier to invaders, the source of our greatest rivers, a rich reservoir of biodiversity, and home to our holiest shrines. Ecologically, economically, culturally, and strategically, the Himalaya are vital to the future of India as a nation. The politicians who now rule us claim to revere the Himalaya, yet, under their...

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Experts slam move for approving new Bt brinjal variety, cite regulatory lapses -Meenakshi Sushma

-Down to Earth The Event 142 variety of genetically modified brinjal was quietly given approval without any data in the public domain, claim experts Experts have slammed a recent move of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) — a government-appointed committee responsible for appraisal of proposals of genetically engineered organisms — giving its greenlight for biosafety research-level-II (BRL-II) field trials for Event 142, a new variety of genetically modified brinjal (Bt brinjal)...

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A Reality Check on India’s Search for Digital Utopia -Preeti Mudliar

-The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the persistent digital divide afflicting rural India owing to poor and insufficient internet connectivity. With the Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech acknowledging the need ‘to complete’ internet connectivity to villages, there is a renewed vigour and interest in the National Optic Fibre Network (NOFN)/BharatNet project. An important question to pose when translating policy to project is: when should...

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Over three-fourth of workers lost their livelihoods since lockdown, finds ActionAid India's national survey of informal labourers

ActionAid Association's (AAA) national level survey among people dependent on the informal economy during the third phase of the national lockdown towards the end of May 2020 (i.e. between May 14th and May 22nd, 2020) has documented the "nature and extent of the transitions in the lives and livelihoods of informal workers, including migrant workers, during the pandemic and provide[s] an insight into the precarity they experience and the coping...

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