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Missed policy opportunity by Jayati Ghosh

Did we just miss a major opportunity? For short while, it seemed that the global financial crisis would focus minds on what is wrong with the current economic growth model and how we can go about changing it. Unfortunately, that moment seems to have passed, at least until the next crisis comes along (which, in current trends, will not be long, since all the major forces that led to the...

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ET Awards 2008-09: Policy Change Agent of the Year- Jean Dreze

Academics can have relevance beyond the printed word and Jean Dreze has proved that this is indeed the case. He has deservedly won the Economic Times’ Policy Change Agent of the Year 2009 for his outstanding work in poverty alleviation and rural employment. A development economist, Dreze has taken his academic persuasions to the real world — he not only played a major role in designing the National Rural Employment...

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Joshi counters charge of packing NREGA body with Cong MPs

NEW DELHI: A combative rural development minister CP Joshi has defended packing a key NREGA advisory body with Congress MPs, saying he could not give space to people who were opposed to the UPA agenda. Joshi was battling questions on why only Congress MPs and social activists were made part of the Central Employment Guarantee Council when the RD ministry could have made it politically inclusive. Rejecting the charge, Joshi...

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It is raining Environment Reports!

India has recently witnessed the release of two important environment reports just before the Copenhagen Summit to be held in December, 2009. The National State of the Environment India (SoE) Report 2009 was launched on 11 August, 2009 by Minister of Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh. Another report titled United Nation’s World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) Report 2009 was released in early September, 2009 by Sunita Narain, Director, Centre...

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Richer states, poor performance, in reducing malnutrition

We normally assume that malnutrition is a disease of the poorer states, which the richer states are in the process of curing. It now transpires that malnutrition among women and child undernourishment, two essential markers of human development, are rampant in richer states as well. States with high per capita incomes such as Gujarat and Haryana have performed poorly in transforming the growth they have experienced into the well-being of...

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