-The Hindu Business Line Bengaluru: A total of about Rs. 900 crore has been sanctioned by the Union Ministry of Urban Development and an amount of about Rs. 700 crore has been released to States/UTs based on proposals received under Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15. Implementation of the Mission is expected to pick up momentum from the current financial year onwards. Gujarat leads the states in implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15....
No one’s children -Neerja Chowdhury
-The Indian Express The most important priority for any government in India today should be the health and nutrition of its children. This is a matter of emergency. In many ways, it is more important than even education. Why then has an otherwise sensitive finance minister slashed the budget in the health and nutrition sectors so badly? The budgetary allocations on health and nutrition programmes for children, who are the most vulnerable,...
More »India’s unfinished agricultural and rural revolution -Uma Lele
-The Financial Express The BJP's resounding Lok Sabha victory after years of policy paralysis raised a widely-shared hope that the government, led by PM Narendra Modi, will put India back on track by resuming inclusive growth. And that agriculture and rural development would be at the centre of the agenda. Half the employment still comes from agriculture, though it contributes just 14% to the GDP. India contains the largest number of...
More »Miles to go for achieving food security
Those who compare India with China on equal basis, could be left with egg on their face if the new Global Food Policy Report 2014-15 is to be read and believed. The recent report from International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) shows why India is still faring much worse as compared to its neighbours including China, in the areas of agriculture and food security. In 2012, China spent close to...
More »A sketchy road map for health policy -Nidhi Khurana
-The Hindu Much of the National Health Policy document reads like a report of health issues and systemic challenges, and is sorely wanting on policy detail Health impoverishment - falling into poverty due to health care costs - affects 63 million individuals in India every year. This is a damning statistic, especially when read with the fact that 18 per cent of all households face catastrophic health expenditures (health expenditure greater than...
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