-PTI In a huge relief to Maharashtra government, the judicial commission of inquiry looking into the Adarsh housing scam has held that the land on which the controversial building stands belongs to the state and not the Army. The two-member panel, which had submitted its interim report to the government last Friday, has also held that the building was not reserved for war heroes and Kargil widows. The interim report was discussed by...
Adarsh panel to give interim report today-Shibu Thomas
The judicial commission on Adarsh will submit its interim report to the Maharasahtra government on Friday, more than a year after it was set up to probe how the building came up in Colaba. Justice (retired) J A Patil and member P Subrahmanyam on Thursday said the report would be given in a sealed envelope. With the report out of its way, the panel is all set to summon top politicians...
More »RTI, weak governance helping information escape from govt hands
-The Economic Times What's common between foggy movements of two Army battalions, the government auditor's assessments of large notional losses to the exchequer and a letter from the Army chief to the PM on his unit's preparedness for war? The information in each of these instances in the past six months was marked 'secret' in official files, but screamed its way to the public, forcing the government into damage-control mode. Information leaks in...
More »Adarsh housing scam: 2 IAS officers held, heat is up on 3 ex-CMs-Rajshri Mehta
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday arrested two senior bureaucrats-former Mumbai civic chief Jairaj Phatak and former Maharashtra information commissioner Ramanand Tiwari-in connection with the Adarsh housing society scam, taking the tally of people taken into custody to nine. The central agency has listed 14 people, including former chief minister Ashok Chavan, as accused in its first information report filed last January. Interrogations of two of the society's arrested promoters,...
More »As RTE turns two, monitoring division sans staff by Aarti Dhar
On Saturday last, as the government was highlighting with much fanfare the achievements under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 in the past two years, the RTE Division of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) — entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the implementation of the Act — was virtually winding up. It all happened as the term of Kiran Bhatty, the...
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