-The Times of India MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday said that Rs 15.28 lakh crore --or 99% of the Rs 15.44 lakh crore demonetised by withdrawal of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on November 8, 2016 --has been deposited with banks. The disclosure dashes hopes of the government earning a windfall by extinguishing trillions of rupees worth demonetised currency that has not been returned. In its annual report, the...
Demonetisation: Figure may hit 100% if 'pipeline' collections taken into account, say officials -Ritu Sarin
-The Indian Express Demonetisation: The “pipeline” demonetised collections, according to these officials, include banned notes lying with citizens in Nepal as deliberations between the RBI and the Nepal Rashtra Bank (NRB) for the exchange of such notes did not fructify. New Delhi: On a day when the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released the data for collected demonetised currency, top RBI officials told The Indian Express that the figure could creep closer...
More »Did Demonetisation 'Substantially Increase' Number Of Tax Returns? A FactCheck -Arun Giri
-BoomLive.in In a press release dated August 7, 2017, The Central Board of Direct Taxes claimed that there has been a ‘substantial’ increase in the number of tax returns filed this year ( April 1 – Aug 5, 2017 ) on account of demonetisation. These first sentences from the CBDT press release are important and we will put them under a microscopic scrutiny in the next few paragraphs. As a result of...
More »Risks to growth: mid-year economic concerns
-The Hindu Given the recent policy changes, the CEA has done right to flag mid-year concerns Five months after the Economic Survey 2016-17 was released, Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian has presented the second volume of the annual economic review-cum-prognosticatory report. With the intervening period having provided a wealth of data points and policy developments, including the momentous roll-out of the Goods and Services Tax, there was a clear need to update...
More »Pink bollworm strikes cotton crop in Gujarat
-The Financial Express Flood-affected cotton farmers in Gujarat are now worried about pink bollworm attacks on the cotton crop. According to the farmers, almost the entire Saurashtra region of the state has been stricken by the insect, while north Gujarat has been partially affected. Gujarat is the largest cotton-producing state in India. According to the data of Gujarat’s agriculture department, cotton sowing has been done on over 2.63 million hectares as on...
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