Former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yedduruppa might face CBI probe for his role in illegal mining The Supreme Court has allowed 45 iron-ore mines in Karnataka to resume operations. The decision came after the apex court-appointed Central Empowered Committee (CEC) found that there was no illegality or only minor ones in their operations. The mines include those of the National Mining Development Corporation (NMDC), Mineral Enterprises Limited and Mysore Minerals...
Green tribunal sets aside clearance granted to Jindal-Aarti Dhar
“Entire public hearing was farce and makes mockery of public hearing process” In a significant decision the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Friday set aside the Environmental Clearance (EC) granted to the 4 MTPA Coal Mining Project of Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) and 4 MTPA Coal Washery at Gare in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh on grounds of faulty public hearing. The company had been granted environmental clearance in May 2009....
More »Posco in limbo-V Venkatesan
The National Green Tribunal's decision to suspend the environmental clearance given to Posco vindicates the project's critics. ON March 30, the Principal Bench of the newly formed National Green Tribunal (NGT) delivered a momentous decision suspending the environmental clearance (EC) given to the South Korean transnational corporation, Posco, to set up an integrated steel plant at Paradip in Odisha's Jagatsinghpur district. The former Union Minister for Environment and Forests, Jairam...
More »The sacred mountain And why tribals are willing to die for it-Bibhuti Pati
Natives of Niyamgiri feel that the police is acting as an agent of the Vedanta group, playing dirty tricks to help the company go ahead with its plans to mine bauxite from the sacred hills ONE OF the world’s most controversial mines is back in the spotlight after hundreds protested against renewed efforts to mine Odisha’s Niyamgiri Hills. Dongria Kondh and Niyamgiri supporters held their own ‘public hearing’ in Odisha...
More »Time running out for the Ganga: PM-Aarti Dhar
Observing that time was running out to save the Ganga, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked States to take action against industries polluting the river. Addressing the third meeting of the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) here on Tuesday, Dr. Singh expressed unhappiness over the States' efforts in sewage treatment. He asked the State governments to send proposals for new sewage treatment plants, for which adequate funding was available with the Centre....
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