Food inflation moved up to 11.49 per cent for the week ended February 12 as compared with 11.05 per cent for the previous week even as prices of certain items fell marginally. Despite the increase, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said while inflation has been a concern for the last 18 months, it will come down to 7 per cent by the end of the current fiscal. According to the Wholesale...
Despite growth, hunger pangs reality for millions by Subodh Varma
Although finance minister Pranab Mukherjee had promised food security and inclusive growth in his budget speech last year, hunger continues to stalk over 300 million citizens of the country. India slipped to 67th place in the Global Hunger Index 2010 rankings of 122 countries prepared by International Food Policy Research Institute. An Oxford University report said that 410 million Indians live in poverty. While there may be nit-picking over the...
More »Govt lifts export ban on onions after domestic price crash
Government today decided to lift ban on exports of onion, following farmers' protest over crash in domestic prices within two months of touching Rs 80 a kg. The decision to this effect was taken at the meeting of the empowered group of ministers (EGoM) on food, headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. But, as a precautionary measure against possibility of prices shooting again, the EGoM decided to allow shipments of onions at...
More »Excess supply leads to fall in Onion Prices; farmers protest
Onion Prices continued to slide in the wholesale market at Gultekdi Market Yard on Monday due to excess supply of the commodity, prompting farmers to stage strong protest demanding higher procurement price by commission agents. Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) The agitation started early in the morning and farmers disrupted supply of vegetables and other commodities to the wholesale market. They were called for a meeting by the commission agents...
More »'Supply from Gujarat helps defuse onion crisis in Delhi'
Large inflow of onion from Gujarat has helped rein in high prices of the vegetable, which is now available at Rs 25-30 a kg in retail markets, in the national capital, traders said. "Increased arrival of onion from Gujarat from January 25 onwards boosted supply in the national capital due to which price of the vegetable crashed to Rs 25-30/kg," Onion Merchants Association General Secretary Rajendra Sharma told PTI. The prices of...
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