Total Matching Records found : 5617

Gulf migration took toll on children's education in Azamgarh by Abu Zafar

-IANS For 25 years, Mohammad Ikram worked day and night in Saudi Arabia to fund the education of his four sons back home here, waiting for the day they would be able to stand on their own feet. But they dropped out of school and ruined his hopes forever. He is just one of many men in Azamgarh who left their families to eke out a living and support the education of...

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Odisha: Tribals Meeting at Kalinganagar by Akshya Rout

At least 4000 tribals organized a rally and meeting at Ambagadia village near Kalinganagar industrial complex of Jajpur district to remember the 14 tribals who were brutally gunned down by the police on 2nd, January six years back when they were opposing the forcefully construction of a boundary wall of TATA ‘s steel company. “ Fourteen of our fellow men sacrificed their lives for tribal’s cause. We are ready to die...

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FDI policy: Indian consumers should have more choice by Nirmalya Kumar

Most developing countries have a love hate relationship to foreign investment. They love the jobs that it creates, the technology that it accompanies, the additional choices that it provides, and the local millionaires/billionaires it creates through creative phased restrictions. On the other hand, since many developing countries have a colonial heritage, and cash is concentrated amongst developed world MNCs, the host are wary of it. The more nationalistic elements within a country...

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Coupon fiasco by Sakina Dhorajiwala and Aashish Gupta

In Bihar, the coupon system to distribute PDS grain fails to prevent corruption. AT the Jamaluddin gram panchayat in Patna district on January 26, 2007, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar launched an ambitious reform of the public distribution system (PDS) in Bihar: a coupon system. He claimed that it would “empower the poor and stop black-marketeering” and that it was “not a simple coupon but a powerful weapon in the hands...

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Understanding the PDS by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera

A survey in nine States shows that they have quietly revived and expanded their public distribution system. AT a time when the Union Cabinet cleared the draft of the national food security Bill after dilly-dallying over it comes a compelling piece of information: many State governments have quietly revived and expanded the public distribution system in their States. That, at any rate, is one of the main findings of a...

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