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It's Official: India's growth is jobless

The robust 9 per cent –plus growth in South Asia till 2010, driven largely by India, where it came down to around 7 per cent in 2011-12, had one major qualifier: it was mostly associated with a rapid rise in labour productivity rather than an expansion in employment, according to the latest report Global Employment Trends from International Labour Office. Up until the end of the millennium, that is just a...

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Sharp rise in Money locked in I-T cases-Santosh Tiwari

-The Business Standard   2011 saw jump in total disputed amount to Rs 4.37 lakh crore The quantity of Money locked in income tax disputes has seen a sharp rise in 2011, with more aggression by the tax department. The disputed amount jumped from Rs 2,43,603 crore to Rs 4,36,741 crore between January and December 2011. The disclosure was made by the finance ministry in reply to a question in the Lok Sabha...

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Leniency for tall-claim builders-Sobhana K

The government has removed from a proposed bill a clause that would have made builders liable to be jailed for making false promises about houses to customers, housing ministry sources have said. The initial draft of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, which is awaiting cabinet clearance, provided for a jail term of up to three years as well as a compensation of up to 10 per cent of the...

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India Serves Up Costly Cocktail of Vaccines by Ranjit Devraj

Ignoring widespread concern over the safety, efficacy and cost of pentavalent vaccines, India’s central health ministry has, this month, approved inclusion of the prophylactic cocktail in the universal immunisation programme in seven of its provinces. Pentavalent vaccine doses, a cocktail of five antigens in a single shot, confers immunity against five paediatric diseases - diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), with the last one considered particularly...

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Transformation for the better-Aakar Patel

Rudyard Kipling opens his superb novel with the street urchin Kim teasing the son of a wealthy man. Kim kicks Chota Lal, whose father, Lala Dinanath, is worth half-a-million sterling, off the trunnion of the mighty cannon Zam-Zammah. Kipling loved India and wrote that it was the only democratic place in the world. It warms us to read this, but of course this was quite untrue in Kipling’s time and...

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