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Indians get pessimistic amid global downturn-Abhijit Patnaik

-The Hindustan Times   The rain gods may have brought some cheer to everyone after a scorching summer, but a sense of gloom about the Indian economy appears to be building. A study by US-based Pew Research Centre has found that while just a year ago, 51% people were satisfied with the way things were in the country (and 47% dissatisfied), today, the proportions have reversed — 59% are dissatisfied and only...

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Land acquisition bill encourages squatters-Urmi Goswami

-The Times of India If the Cabinet approves the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2012, then squatters too will have to be given rehabilitation and resettlement packages if the land they occupy is acquired. Squatters will need to show that they have been working/living in the affected area for three years to be eligible for compensation. Infrastructure ministries are irked at this inclusion, especially the short eligibility period of three...

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Tribal affairs ministry aims to break state control over tendu trade-Nitin Sethi

-The Times of India The trade in tendu patta, used for bidi making, is estimated to be worth an annual Rs 20,000 crore and is monopolized by state corporations, contractors, traders and even left-wing extremists. This could change now with the tribal affairs ministry asking states to break the monopoly of state corporations and let tribals sell it freely.  Coming on the back of his remarks on the Bijapur killings, tribal affairs...

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A textbook case of exclusion-Rupa Viswanath

To replace ‘Dalit’ with ‘SC’, as the Thorat panel recommends, is to be inaccurate A commission LED by S.K. Thorat, and charged with reviewing NCERT political science textbooks in the wake of the cartoon controversy, has singLED out a specific word in the text for removal. All instances of the word “Dalit”, it is recommended, should be replaced with “ScheduLED Caste” (SC). The blogosphere is rife with speculation on the motivation...

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Congress raises Rs 1,662 crore in 5 years, BJP Rs 852 crore-Pradeep Thakur

-The Times of India   India's GDP growth rate may have dropped in the past few years but that has had little impact on the bottomlines of the country's leading political parties. The coffers of the main parties have been swelling, with the richest amongst them, the ruling Congress, having made a cool Rs 1,662 crore in the last five years till 2011-12 and the BJP in second place with Rs 852...

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