-The Indian Express The Modi government had recently directed all central government offices to introduce Aadhaar-based biometric attendance systems. In what could be a revolutionary step towards monitoring and tracking the work of government officials, the NDA government has launched an "attendance website" to serve as a centralised Database for all central government employees. Though the website, attendance.gov.in, is still in the process of being developed, officials said it is expected to be...
Cloud still hangs over Aadhaar's future -Surabhi Agarwal
-The Business Standard Nilekani probably managed to save the project by a persuasive talk with Modi, but the concerns haven't gone away It is widely believed that Nandan Nilekani's meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi saved the ambitious Aadhaar project from oblivion or a takeover by the home ministry. Within a couple of days of the meeting, Modi gave directions to expedite enrolments through Aadhaar, along with the direct benefits transfer (DBT) project...
More »Not just 2013, in 2008 too: Chhattisgarh’s fake ration cards given as election sop -Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-The Indian Express The Congress has now demanded a CBI inquiry into all ration cards made in Chhattisgarh in the past six-seven years. The BPL ration cards which were made in large numbers in Chhattisgarh before the 2013 assembly elections, as reported by The Indian Express on Friday, was an exact repetition of the developments ahead of the 2008 polls. If it was the Food Security Act in the 2013 elections, in...
More »An old programme, a new chapter -Saritha Rai
-The Indian Express Nilekani's efforts to convince the NDA of Aadhaar's benefits appear to have paid off. A half-hour meeting that Aadhaar architect Nandan Nilekani had with Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month followed by a conferring couple of days later with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has reportedly sorted the go-no go situation for the ambitious UIDAI project. The two meetings and a third that Modi held with his key...
More »Aadhaar still rife with security flaws -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In what could point to serious security loopholes in Aadhar project, an internal risk assessment by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in 2012 had found that the enrolment device could be taken outside its defined territory, including foreign land, to enroll people and send data to UIDAI for processing. The anomaly led a UIDAI committee, set up in the wake of the government's January...
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