-The Hindu Business Line Retail prices of onion, which had softened a bit last month, have rebounded over the past few days on continued supply disruption, touching the Rs.100 per kg mark in pockets of consuming centres such as New Delhi and Chennai. The bulb could bring more tears to consumers in the days ahead, trade sources said, as the prices are likely to hit new highs with the crop sown in...
It's time to move away from paddy-wheat cropping cycle to end air pollution
Air quality in North India in general and Delhi National Capital Region (Delhi NCR) in particular plunged to its lowest point in recent years during October-November thanks to a variety of factors. Through media reports one comes to know that stubble burning (also called paddy straw burning/ crop residue burning) is chiefly responsible for the public health crisis in India's capital and its nearby regions. Data accessed from the website...
More »Heavy rain hits harvest, Maharashtra faces crop loss of Rs 5,000 crore in 30 districts -Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express In many areas, farmers had harvested their crop but did not get time to shift the produce to a dry location as the rain caught them unawares. Farmers in Maharashtra are staring at crop loss of over Rs 5,000 crore across 30 districts after heavy rain caused extensive damage to standing crop in the last few days. The scale of crop loss may be even worse as authorities...
More »Celebrating Diwali during a downturn -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com * A field report from the agriculturally prosperous heartland reveals a lacklustre festival of lights * Delay in farm loan waivers has worsened farmers’ credit score. So, financiers are unwilling to advance new loans to them for buying farm equipment SRI GANGANAGAR: "How are you going to celebrate Diwali?" My question gets Roopa Ram, an elderly farmer, so amused that he thinks it’s important to do some explaining to a reporter from...
More »Feeding lessons to tackle malnutrition -Arun Gupta
-Frontline.in Optimal feeding of infants is fundamental to tackling the burden of malnutrition. The release of the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS 2016-2018) has renewed interest in tackling malnutrition in India. The conceptual framework for child undernutrition, developed by UNICEF, recognises breastfeeding, good complementary feeding, caring and health care to minimise disease burden as immediate underlying factors that determine malnutrition in all its forms. According to the CNNS, 35 per cent of the...
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