-The Hindu Only 13% “strongly trusted” private TV news channels compared to 31% who said so about newspapers Indian news consumers’ trust in private TV news channels is relatively much lower than their belief in newspapers and yet television continues to be the dominant news source. Notably, their trust in online news websites is lower than even the private channels, while the former is the third preferred source for accessing news after...
Small Gains Made in Recovering COVID-Induced Losses in India's Fight Against TB: WHO Report -Banjot Kaur
-TheWire.in Increasing TB incidence and deaths, large gaps in reporting, more drug resistance and reduced funding all contribute to India's downslide in TB eradication efforts, contributing heavily to the worsening global scenario as well. New Delhi: The headline finding of the WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Report 2022, released on October 27, continued to be the same as it was for 2021 – COVID-19 has reversed years of progress towards the goal of eliminating...
More »Tuberculosis cases rise for the first time in years, says WHO
-AP/ The Hindu The World Health Organization says the number of people infected with tuberculosis, including the kind resistant to drugs, rose globally for the first time in years in 2021 The number of people infected with tuberculosis, including the kind resistant to drugs, rose globally for the first time in years, according to a report issued Thursday by the World Health Organization. The U.N. health agency said more than 10 million people...
More »Tuberculosis deaths and disease increase during the COVID-19 pandemic
-Press release by World Health Organisation dated 27 October, 2022 An estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis (TB) in 2021, an increase of 4.5% from 2020, and 1.6 million people died from TB (including 187 000 among HIV positive people), according to the World Health Organization’s 2022 Global TB report. The burden of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) also increased by 3% between 2020 and 2021, with 450 000 new cases...
More »Psychological test of death row convicts is essential, says Supreme Court
-The Hindu Apex court says mitigating investigators need to be given access to the prisoners to dig out any circumstances which may help the court when it hears the appeal In a significant order, the Supreme Court has made it clear that the psychological evaluation of condemned prisoners by expert doctors, and access to them by mitigating investigators, are essential before the hearing begins on their appeals against the death penalty. A Bench...
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