-PTI Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's office made its debut on popular microblogging site Twitter on Monday. The new media foray by the PMO comes in the wake of TV journalist Pankaj Pachauri taking over as Communications Adviser to the Prime Minister. "The Prime Minister's work should be in the public domain so that people know that the government is functioning for their benefit," PMO sources said. The Twitter account of the PMO...
PM intervenes to put an end to UID row by Bharti Jain
The Prime Minister's Office has intervened in the simmering dispute between the home ministry and the Planning Commission over the capture of aadhaar biometrics by ensuring that the issue will be taken up by the Cabinet Committee on UID next week. According to a government source, principal secretary to the prime minister Pulok Chatterjee is learnt to have told officials handling the issue that UID, a major initiative of UPA,...
More »Harish Khare quits as PM's media advisor
-IANS Harish Khare on Thursday quit as media advisor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Khare, a veteran journalist who was earlier with The Hindu, quit in the wake of television anchor Pankaj Pachauri being appointed as a member of the media team in the Prime Minister's Office ( PMO). ...
More »Minimum wage war: Centre forgoes safe stance in SC appeal
-The Times of India The states would milk the Centre by arbitrarily hiking their 'minimum wages' if workers in the job guarantee scheme were to be paid by the "minimum wages Act", the Centre cautioned while appealing against a court order quashing power to fix remuneration under MGNREGA. Union rural development ministry has sought revision of the Karnataka high court order giving in to the finance ministry's pressure despite the fear...
More »PM focus on governance, not elections by Sankarshan Thakur
The discordant black-flag picket at the Golden Temple on New Year morning belied Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s clean-slate aspiration for 2012 but he is engaging in earnest with the challenges of what, in his own reckoning, will be another tough year. The Lokpal tangle controversially unresolved, attention is likely to remain riveted on politics, especially with high-stakes battles for Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and three other states under way. The Prime Minister,...
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