-The Hindu After having managed to push through the major reforms legislations such as the Banking and Companies Bills and also getting through with the 51 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail, the UPA II dispensation will have to wait till the budget session of Parliament to get the Insurance Bill passed which seeks to raise the FDI cap in the insurance sector to 45 per cent. With the...
Legitimate aim, unconstitutional means -Anup Surendranath
-The Hindu The 117th Constitution Amendment Bill has failed to define low representation of SCs/STs which is necessary to make reservation in promotions possible There is certainly a strong argument to be made in favour of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in promotions but the 117th Constitution Amendment Bill that was passed in the Rajya Sabha is a poor attempt at achieving that goal. Article 16(4A) of the Constitution...
More »De-notified tribes to get a better deal in 12th Plan -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Nationwide survey will be conducted to introduce a suitable shelter programme The government proposes to create an enabling environment for the social empowerment of the de-notified tribes so that they could utilise reservation benefits in education and employment. A nation-wide survey of de-notified tribes’ settlements is to be conducted to form the basis for introducing a suitable shelter programme for them. They could be entitled to free or subsidised housing under...
More »Critics have got it wrong, Annashree money meant to supplement other schemes: Sheila
-The Indian Express Under fire for her suggestion that a family of five could purchase a month’s ration of rice, wheat and pulses for Rs 600, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on Sunday claimed that her statement had been taken out of context. With the BJP cashing in on the criticism against Dikshit’s statement, the Chief Minister held her ground claiming that the critics had “failed to understand” the Delhi government scheme she...
More »How We Saved Agriculture, Fed the World and Ended Rural Poverty: Looking Back from 2050 -Duncan Green
-Oxfam Blog As Oxfam’s two week online debate on the future of agriculture gets under way, John Ambler of Oxfam America imagines how it could all turn out right in the end. It is now 2050. Globally, we are 9 billion strong. Only 20% of us are directly involved in agriculture, and poor country economies have diversified. Yet we all have enough food. Technological innovation has played its part, but increased production...
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