Days after chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy wished to see every police station in the state work like a corporate office and the complainant received warmly, a Right to Information (RTI) activist on Friday was nearly subjected to the third degree treatment by inspector K Srinivas Rao after he walked into Kukatpally police station, and only timely intervention by higher-ups saved him from being arrested and slapped with false cases....
457 appeals disposed of during special RTI event by Prajakta Chavan
The chief state information commission (CSIC) is likely to conduct more ‘Special Appeal Disposal Programme’ after disposing of more than 450 of the 607 Right To Information (RTI) appeals in just four days. Chief State Information Commissioner Vijay Kuvalekar had organised the programme, which was conducted at the Podar Medical College (Ayurved), Worli, over a four-day period. The event aimed at disposing of piled up RTI applications at CSIC since 2008. Nearly...
More »CJI's office cannot withhold all information: CIC by J Venkatesan
Supreme Court's CPIO asked to give information to RTI activist Subash Chandra Aggarwal in 10 days The Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that all information in possession of the office of the Chief Justice of India is not completely exempt from disclosure under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. “While we concede that due to the stay granted by the Supreme Court [in the assets case], all information relating to the...
More »Mass RTI plea hearing a huge hit
-DNA The first day of the mass clearing programme of RTI applications piled up at the state information commission (SIC) was a grand success, with 53 of the 63 appellants (81%) making it for the hearing on Tuesday. The commission hopes to hear nearly 600 second appeals in the four-day ‘special appeal disposal programme’ kicked off at the Poddar Medical College on Dr Annie Besant Road at Worli. Acting state chief information commissioner...
More »Special session to dispose of pending RTI appeals from Mumbai HQ by Prajakta Chavan
To dispose of pending Right To Information (RTI) appeals, State Information Commissioner Vijay Kuvalekar will hold Special Appeal Disposal Programme at Ramnath Anandilal Podar Medical College (Ayurved) in Worli on January 4, 5 and 6. Till November 30, more than 19,000 appeals were pending with the state information commission office. Almost 2,200-2,500 new appeals are filed in the state every month. “As part of this programme, the appellant, public information officer (PIO)...
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