-Deccan Herald Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have earned the ignominy of topping the chart of child marriages in the country. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report depicts a worse picture of south India as five states from the region — Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana — together account for almost half of the 280 cases of child marriage in the country. However, the data shows the biggest lacuna...
The slaughter of suicide data -P Sainath
-Frontline Changing the way you count changes the count. THE total number of farmer suicides in the country since 1995 crossed the 3,00,000-mark in 2014. However, the 2014 data are not comparable with 19 earlier years of farm suicide data. This is because of major changes in the methodology of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). With the new parameters, the number of farmer suicides in 2014 falls to 5,650. That is...
More »Govt working on right to privacy law: Minister
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre is in the process of drafting a legislation that will guarantee protection to individuals against breach of their privacy through unlawful means, minister of state for personnel Jitendra Singh informed Rajya Sabha on Thursday. The ministry of personnel has been working on a right to privacy law for some years now, with the first draft released in 2011. The law seeks to protect individuals...
More »NREGA improving the lives of poor, says study
Although MGNREGA has been looked upon with suspicion by the Government, industry as well as the landed farming class for various reasons including inefficiency, leakages, corruption, rise in rural wages, cost escalation etc., a new report reveals that the programme reduced poverty among its participants between 2004-05 and 2011-12 by providing employment. The report entitled Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: A Catalyst for Rural Transformation has estimated that...
More »World’s largest anti-poverty scheme MGNREGA cut poverty, empowered women, but reach limited
-The Financial Express The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the world’s largest anti-poverty programme, reduced poverty and empowered women but its success has been limited due to lack of work in some of the poorest states, according to a recent report. Comparing two states, Chhattisgarh (strong programme implementation) and Bihar (weak), a study by the National Council of Applied Economic Research and the University of Maryland found that nearly...
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