-The Economist UNDER a thatched roof, lit by a full, yellow moon, Shiv Kumari explains how she and her five children survive. She is a widow, 30 years old, living in a home made of packed mud. She works the nearby fields, draws a small pension, some food rations and gets a few days of paid labour each month from a rural make-work scheme. Semra village, made up of 70 households, most...
41% kids underweight in Ahmedabad
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: As many as 41% of the children in the state are underweight and 55% of the women between 15 to 45 years of age in the state are anemic. This was revealed in a Rajya Sabha session on Thursday. Union minister of state (independent charge) for women and child development, Krishna Tirath in Rajya Sabha gave the details of the number of women and children suffering from...
More »Why drought reigns eternal-Sunita Narain
It is mostly caused by deliberate neglect and designed failure of the way we manage water and land It’s drought time again. Nothing new in this announcement. Each year, first we have crippling droughts between December and June, and then devastating floods in the next few months. It’s a cycle of despair, which is more or less predictable. But this is not an inevitable cycle of nature we must live...
More »Hope springs a trap
-The Economist An absence of optimism plays a large role in keeping people trapped in poverty THE idea that an infusion of hope can make a big difference to the lives of wretchedly poor people sounds like something dreamed up by a well-meaning activist or a tub-thumping politician. Yet this was the central thrust of a lecture at Harvard University on May 3rd by Esther Duflo, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute...
More »Households expect marginal fall in inflation: RBI survey
-The Economic Times Indian households expect that inflation will be somewhat reined in, points out a Reserve Bank of India survey on inflation expectations. The findings of the 27th round of the central bank's inflation expectations survey of households conducted in March 2012, show that inflation expectations for the coming three-month period marginally declined to 11.7% from 12.4% in the previous round. The inflation expectation for the year ahead period has marginally declined...
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