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NAC takes on BJP, backs communal violence bill by Nitin Sethi

Attacked by the opposition BJP, the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council has put up a strong defence of its draft communal violence bill. Backing the bill's intentions, the council members have said that the law is intended not to blame the majority community in case of attacks on a 'non-dominant group' but to ensure that the administration works impartially. They said communal and targeted violence spreads mainly when the public officials charged...

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The women of India's Barefoot College bring light to remote villages by Nilanjana Bhowmick

Being trained as solar-power engineers enables women from rural India and Africa to introduce electricity in isolated areas Securing the end of her bright yellow and orange sari firmly around her head, Santosh Devi climbs up to the rooftop of her house to clean her solar panels. The shining, mirrored panels, which she installed herself last year, are a striking sight against the simple one-storey homes of her village. No...

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RTE’s elementary problem: Lack of trained teachers for Class I to V by Chinki Sinha

With the Right of all Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act mandating a 30:1 teacher pupil ratio and laying down minimum qualifications for teachers, state governments have expressed concerns about the lack of infrastructure to provide the required training. Only diploma-holders in elementary education are allowed to teach students from Class I to V and there is a shortage of teachers in this category. As per the HRD Ministry, of the...

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Ending Indifference: A Law to Exile Hunger? by Harsh Mander

  Can we agree in this country on a floor of human dignity below which we will not allow any human being to fall? No child, woman or man in this land will sleep hungry. No person shall be forced to sleep under the open sky. No parent shall send their child out to work instead of to school. And no one shall die because they cannot afford the cost of...

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The Battle for Land: Unaddressed Issues by Avinash Kumar

The episodes of violence in land acquisition by the government, as witnessed recently in Bhatta-Parsaul in Uttar Pradesh and in other states earlier, occur because patterns of violence are inbuilt into the process. Despite a bill pending in Parliament since 2007, there has been little effort by political parties to evolve a consensus on acquisition of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes. The law as at present and also the provisions...

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