-NetworkIdeas.org On Wednesday August 8, the Delhi High Court decriminalized begging in the capital. In the course of its hearing it had raised the question how begging could be an offence in a country where the government was unable to provide food and jobs; its final verdict is in line with this thinking. Of course there was no central legislation, or legislation relating specifically to Delhi, that had criminalized begging earlier;...
India's missing children: The story WhatsApp forwards don't tell you -Divya Gandhi & Julie Merin Varughese
-The Hindu Some 174 children go missing every day. Only about 50% of them are ever found again. But the story behind these statistics is complex Shehzadi Malik has watched the seven-minute video clip on her phone a few hundred times these past THRee months. Sometimes she is looking for clues. Sometimes she is just watching it, empty of hope. Sometimes she is simply looking at her nine-year-old boy, Kabir. This CCTV...
More »How online army became lifesaver for flood-hit Kerala -KP Saikiran
-The Times of India THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (Kerala): Of late, stories about social media have been not very encouraging, as it was increasingly turning out to be a platform spewing venom. But, during last week’s flood, it turned out to be a lifesaver for hundreds - literally. A group of social media enthusiasts, who have already been connected THRough Facebook harnessed the immense potential of the platform. An active volunteer group of 6,000 was...
More »All you need to know about NABARD's 'agriculture household' survey -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard This survey also shows how things have moved forward since the last large-scale sample survey conducted by NSSO in 2012-13 The recent survey by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard), which attracted criticism for increasing the THReshold of income for agricultural households, has some insights into how the rural landscape in the country has been changing. Released on August 17, the survey defined those households as agricultural that...
More »Monthly income per farm household grew between NSSO & NABARD surveys, but so has the level of outstanding loans
A recent report by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) enlightens one about the state of farmers' income and indebtedness in 2015-16. Entitled NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey 2016-17 – in short NAFIS 2016-17 – the report says that between 2012-13 and 2015-16 the average monthly income for agricultural households grew by around 39 percent. One may recall that the Key Indicators of Situation Assessment Survey...
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