The Fukushima disaster has prompted calls to review legislation passed by the Indian parliament in August 2010 that capped compensation payable, in the event of a nuclear accident, at 320 million U.S. dollars. "Fukushima showed what the potential damage from an accident could be," M.V. Ramana, physicist and well-known commentator on nuclear energy safety issues, told IPS. "The economic damages [at Fukushima] must have certainly exceeded the compensation allowed in the nuclear...
Food Deficit in Kerala: Exploring the Possibility of NREGS by AD Manikandan
Kerala has a long history of foodgrains deficit, especially in rice. For instance, deficit in rice has increased steadily in the State from 45 per cent to 85 per cent between 1957 and 2008. However, not enough attention has been paid to mitigate the food insecurity problem in the State in the context where there has been a large scale decline in the area and production of paddy. This paper...
More »Healthy lessons from Bihar by Shailvee Sharda
Rising from ashes, Bihar is India's new phoenix. Recently it impressed the World Bank resulting in an aid worth several hundred crores for development of the state. And it has a number of lessons for neighbouring UP. In 2002-03, when census data was notified, UP fared better than Bihar. But, now the tortoise (read Bihar) has metamorphosed to hare, leaving UP behind. Consider figures from the National Rural Health Mission. Number...
More »Is Rajasthan Government Selling Farmers’ Interests? by Bharat Dogra
DEALS WITH MULTINATIONALS AND OTHER BIG AGRIBUSINESS COMPANIES A wide range of farmers’ organisations, Gandhian organisations, people’s movements and NGOs have united to oppose a series of disturbing agreements which the Rajasthan Government reached with various multinational and other agribusiness companies including Monsanto. These agreements, which greatly increase the control and influence of these companies over the agriculture sector in India’s biggest State (in terms of area), have proved so controversial...
More »Holes in Meghalaya job scheme
The annual report (2009-2010) of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), which was tabled in the state Assembly on Friday, stated that individuals benefited from arecanut plantations in Meghalaya after availing the scheme. “Most of the village employment councils have taken up arecanut plantation projects. However, there are rare cases of arecanut plantations on community land and are mostly carried out on individual lands,” said the social audit,...
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