Total Matching Records found : 4031

Token gesture by V Venkatesan

TWENTY-ONE judges of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice of India (CJI), posted the details of their assets on the court’s website. The details of assets of one judge, Justice H.S. Bedi, have not yet been provided. Justice B.N. Agrawal, who retired recently, also provided the details of his assets on the website on special request. (The details are available at http:// The court has claimed that the...

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Disqualification by judges’ interest in litigation by TR Andhyarujina

Judges should be made of sterner stuff and should not recuse themselves merely to preserve an appearance of non-bias when there is no real possibility of bias.  Four recent cases in the Supreme Court have raised the question of when a judge, who has either a pecuniary interest in the litigation or non-pecuniary connection with a party to the litigation, should recuse himself from a case. In the first case,...

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Where people talk of steps to check global warming by Aarti Dhar

Kyoto Protocol coming to an end in two years from now  Younger generation benefits more from Kyoto Protocol Forest management is an important aspect of climate change KYOTO: It is business as usual in this beautiful city, where the people prefer to talk more about the leaves changing colour in the ongoing autumn season than the historic Kyoto Protocol that was signed by the world leaders here in 1997 and...

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Plastic Roads Offer Greener Way to Travel in India by Mridu Khullar

In the 1990s, Ahmed Khan’s company in Bangalore, India, churned out hundreds of thousands of plastic bags and other packaging material each month that eventually ended up as garbage. Now, he is in the business of scouring the city’s landfills and trash cans to reclaim some of that waste and pave the way to a more environmentally friendly enterprise. Mr. Khan, 60, is trying to solve two of the biggest...

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Rural poverty and India's Maoist revolt by Mark Tully

The Indian government has ordered hundreds of paramilitary troops into eastern parts of the country where Maoist rebels have increasingly been taking control. This year, 669 people have died in violent incidents involving the Maoists. October was a particularly humiliating month for the Indian police. First, members of the Communist Party of India [Maoist] captured an Inspector and beheaded him. Then, a police station was attacked and two policemen killed....

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