Total Matching Records found : 5421

Food ministry faces a problem of plenty now-Rituraj Tiwari

As news of record food grain production trickled from the corridors of the agriculture ministry, officials of the storage wing in the adjoining food ministry began working overtime to save the department the embarrassment of plenty. Food minister KV Thomas is under pressure to ensure that the toil of farmers is not wasted. "It's my duty to make sure that food grains don't rot. We are on our way to create...

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Indian teenager annuls her child 'marriage'

-BBC A young woman has had her child "marriage" legally annulled in northern Rajasthan state, in what is thought to be the first case of its kind in India. Laxmi Sargara, 18, wed Rakesh when she was just one and he was three. She grew up with her own family, only finding out she was married when her in-laws came to claim her this month. Child marriages are illegal in India but are still...

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The Hindu’s lovely cartoon–which Times of India could never publish by Anant Rangaswami

-First Post Two different newspapers, and two contrasting views on how to deal with giving brands unpaid publicity. This morning, The Times of India carries a story on a Survey which has found Bangalore as scoring the lowest among seven cities in motorist behaviour. This is what The Times of India reports: That the motorists in Bangalore don’t seem to care for pedestrians has been a subject of intense debate for long. The...

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India’s worst motorist behaviour is in Bangalore-Saswati Mukherjee

BANGALORE: That the motorists in Bangalore don't seem to care for pedestrians has been a subject of intense debate for long. The debate has been set to rest by a New Delhi-based green group's report that statistically shows Bangalore's deficiency in this category. Among the seven Indian cities Surveyed, Bangalore scores the lowest - a measly 30 out of 100 - in the 'motorist behaviour' category, one of the nine parameters...

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Ramesh asks Azad not to wind up NFHS-Pramit Bhattacharya

Jairam Ramesh asks Azad not to wind up health Survey Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has urged health and family welfare minister Ghulam Nabi Azad not to discontinue the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), till a credible alternative is in place. In a 22 April letter, a copy of which has been reviewed by ‘Mint’, Ramesh questioned the comparability of data generated by the annual health Survey (AHS) or the district level...

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