-NDTV In his maiden appearance after being named Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Yogi Adityanath proclaimed that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government would maintain a laser-like focus on the twin themes of combating corruption and restoring law and order. "In the past 15 years," Adityanath noted, "UP lagged behind in the race of development as previous governments indulged in corruption, nepotism, and failed on the law order front." Indeed, one of...
Scholar bats for inclusive democracy -Dev Raj
-The Telegraph Bihar: The rise of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister has a strong implication on political inclusion of subaltern or deprived castes, as he is vocal about his backward lineage, often highlighting it at public meetings. Highlighting the phenomenon of Narendra Modi in Indian politics, Kanchan Chandra, professor of politics at New York University, said: "An inclusive democracy is desirable in itself since it sends out a signal of empowerment and...
More »Clean slate: Increase in MLAs with no criminal record in UP, Punjab and Goa -Prachi Salve
-India Spend Of 690 MLAs elected in UP, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur and Goa, 27.8% (192) have a criminal record There has been a decrease in the number of members of legislative assembly (MLAs) with criminal records in Uttar Pradesh (UP), Punjab and Goa of the five states that elected new state governments, according to our analysis of data compiled by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), an advocacy. Of 690 MLAs elected in UP,...
More »Congress got 83% of funds from unknown donors, BJP 65%
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In the eleven years between 2004-05 and 2014-15, political parties of all colours, including ones which swore by transparency, got contributions worth more than $1 billion (Rs 6,800 crore) from unknown sources, a study by an independent think tank says. The historic financial `performance' of these parties which raked in more than Rs 11,000 crore in total income (this includes the Rs 6,800 crore) during this...
More »Parties, CIC tug it out over RTI ambit -B Muralidhar Reddy
-The Hindu In a landmark judgment in 2013, the Central Information Commission had ruled that political parties come within the ambit of the Right to Information Act. The tug of war between the six national political parties and the Central Information Commission (CIC) continues as they continue to defy its orders three years after it had declared them as “public authorities” under the Right to Information Act, 2005 making it mandatory for...
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