-The Hindu The Chief Justice’s remarks and appeal saw the Prime Minister deliver an unscheduled speech immediately after the former took his seat Breaking down several times in his half-hour speech addressed directly at Prime Minister Narendra Modi present on the dais at the Annual Chief Ministers and Chief Justices Conference on Sunday, Chief Justice of India, Tirath Singh Thakur, launched a scathing attack on government inaction, squarely blaming the Centre for...
Explained: What tiger numbers really say -Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express No, the tiger is not out of the woods. If numbers presented ahead of last week’s global tiger meet in New Delhi showed minor gains due to better counting methods, they also revealed massive losses. On April 11, a day before ministers of 13 tiger range countries assembled in New Delhi to pledge support for the big cat, a statement by the WWF-International and Global Tiger Forum claimed...
More »Doval invite to address judges queried
-The Telegraph New Delhi: An NGO has questioned a move to have national security adviser Ajit Doval address a conclave of Supreme Court judges today without a counterbalancing presence of human rights activists to present an alternative view. In a letter to Chief Justice of India T.S. Thakur, the Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms has argued that the three-day judges' retreat in Bhopal that ends tomorrow should also invite rights activists...
More »Indian agriculture yet to catch up with neighbours on public spending, indicates IFPRI report
Amidst the prevailing gloominess over agrarian crisis, a recently released report says that the growth rate of agricultural output in both India and China were the same during 2008-2013. The agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) of both these countries on an average grew at 3.3 percent per annum during that period. The latest available data from the 2016 Global Food Policy Report, however, indicates that the neighbouring countries of Sri Lanka...
More »Pro-rural push on govt agenda -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard To connect with villages to highlight two years' achievements To commemorate two years of its rule, the Narendra Modi government is planning to penetrate deep into the hinterland, rural areas and Tier-2 towns with a balance sheet of its achievements. Officials said though much of the plan is still in the works, the thrust is to take the message to the grassroots. The rural engagement programme might not be limited to...
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