-The Hindu Army columns, boats deployed to rescue those stranded Very heavy rain returned to Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, battering the already-ravaged coastal areas and bringing life to a grinding halt in Puducherry and Chennai. Heavy rain in the Catchment Areas of the Chembarambakkam reservoir (25 centimetres between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday) forced the authorities to discharge water at the rate of 20,000 cubic feet per second into the Adyar...
Maharashtra cities get 400% more water than villages -Priyanka Kakodkar
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Nearly 55% of Maharashtra's population lives in its rural belt compared to 45% in its urban areas. Yet its cities and metros get almost five times more drinking water as its villages from the state's dams, notified rivers and select lakes. The data which reveals the stark rural-urban divide in the allocation of drinking water has been compiled by the state's water resources department. In urban areas,...
More »Anicut and after... -Preeti Mehra
-The Hindu Business Line One small check dam helps stem migration in Khohar, Haryana Every year, nearly all the 150 households of village Khohar, in Haryana’s Mewat district, pack their bags in September and embark on a journey to Gujarat. Hired to pick cotton, they spend the next 4-5 months in pitched tents, working from dawn to dusk. “We return with around ₹50,000 earned between everyone in the family. This sees us through...
More »Rajasthan villages drink deep from traditional wells -Preeti Mehra
-The Hindu Business Line Rejuvenated, clean and hygienic, they are a sustainable alternative to tube wells As 35-year-old Dharma Devi lowers her bucket into the ancient, stone well to draw drinking water for her family, she grumbles about the quality of the water body. “This one is closest to our fields, so we have to use it. But look at the overgrowth of plants around it and the filth that can fall...
More »Farmers in Odisha’s Bargarh swear by traditional methods -Priya Ranjan Sahu
-Hindustan Times A migrant labourer not long ago, 37-year-old Sitaram Majhi is now a successful farmer. As Odisha’s agricultural fields starve for water due to drought conditions this year, Majhi never had a problem watering his crop in Kharamal village in Bargarh district’s parched Paikmal block, more than 500 km from Bhubaneswar. Equipped with chahala – a small traditional water harvesting structure – and a vermi-compost pit the three-acre farm, on which he...
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