-The Indian Express As per the data available with nodal officer Dinesh Singla, who is Executive Engineer, PPCB, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported in Punjab this paddy season till October 21 in which Amritsar tops with 535 cases, followed by Tarn Taran with 494 cases. Ludhiana: WITH JUST one-fourth of the total estimated paddy arrival in mandis till now, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported...
Almost Rs 4,000 Crore Spent, but the Ganga Is More Polluted Under Modi's Watch -Dheeraj Mishra
-TheWire.in The Narendra Modi government has initiated many projects to clean up the Ganga, but pollution has increased at several sites where the river's water is monitored. The water is not fit for drinking, bathing or domestic purposes. Professor G.D. Agarwal, the prominent environmentalist who spent several years for the cause of cleaning up river Ganga, passed away on October 11. He had been on a fast for 112 days. Professor Agarwal...
More »Scientist And Tapasvi -Ravi Chopra
-The Indian Express GD Agarwal lived and died to awaken the collective conscience for the Ganga. India lost her true Gangaputra, Swami Sanand, also known as Dr G D Agrawal, on October 11, the 112th day of his fast-unto-death seeking effective action from the Government of India for the conservation and protection of the Ganga. GD, as many affectionately addressed him, was a good and rare human being. Dressed in ordinary khadi,...
More »Latest CPCB data shows that the no. of critically polluted river stretches is on the rise
How clean are our rivers? Latest data indicates a negative trend. A report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which was released in September this year, reveals that in total there were 45 river stretches across the country in 2016-17, where water quality is found to be the worst. In 2014-15, however, the total number of such river stretches was just 34. Technically speaking, the value of biochemical oxygen demand...
More »More river stretches critically polluted: CPCB -Jacob Koshy
-The Times of India Maharashtra, Assam, Gujarat account for 117 sections The number of polluted stretches in India’s rivers has increased to 351 from 302 two years ago, and the number of critically polluted stretches — where water quality indicators are the poorest — has gone up to 45 from 34, according to an assessment by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). While the ?20,000 crore clean-up of the Ganga may be the...
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