-NDTV.com (with inputs from Agencies) Crude oil prices rose over 0.5% on Tuesday, as the Ukraine conflict drags on, albeit well below a seven-year high hit last week. Crude oil prices rose over 0.5% on Tuesday, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict drags on, albeit well below a seven-year high after Russia's invasion of Ukraine began last week, which is the most significant attack on a European country since World War Two. While global financial...
Crude oil not the only problem, more than 80% of India’s sunflower oil imports are from Ukraine -Samrat Sharma
-IndiaToday.in Russia-Ukraine war news updates: The attack on Ukraine has jolted the oil market around the world as well as in India. The dark clouds over edible oil imports in India have come at a time when the retail prices of edible oil are already plateauing. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has jolted the crude oil market around the world and that is poised to raise petrol and diesel prices in India as...
More »Government bans futures trading in seven commodities
-MoneyControl.com India has suspended futures trading in seven commodities with immediate effect in its latest move to rein in soaring inflation. The Finance Ministry has suspended trading in futures contracts of some agricultural commodities for one year to reign in inflation. Trading in seven commodities - paddy (non-basmati), wheat, chana, mustard seeds and its derivatives, soya bean and its derivatives, crude palm oil and moong - has been suspended with immediate effect, according...
More »Festive Bonanza: Government Slashed Import Taxes On Edible Oils Till March 2022, Check Details -
-Outlook India The latest development will cut the effective import tax on crude palm oil, crude soya oil and crude sunflower oil from 24.75 percent till now to 0. The government on Wednesday reduced various import taxes on palm oil, soyoil and sunflower oil ahead of the festive season till March 31, 2022, said the Bureau of Indirect Taxes and Customs. According to Moneycontrol, the latest development will cut the effective import tax...
More »Rising Crude oil prices further burdens Indian consumers -Vignesh Radhakrishnan, Sumant Sen and Jasmin Nihalani
-The Hindu The Centre has raked in nearly Rs.16 lakh crore through excise duty on petroleum products between FY15 and FY21 In India, Crude oil prices have risen to a near three-year high. Subsequently, the retail prices of petrol and diesel, which were already high due to heavy tax rates, became higher in India. Notably, in recent times, whenever crude prices have been on the rise, the burden has been passed on...
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