-Hindustan Times According to the DCP, the other two processions which were carried out on Saturday morning and afternoon in the area had due permission. New Delhi: The Delhi police on Monday has registered an FIR against the organisers for carrying out a procession without permission in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri area, where violent clashes broke out on April 16, and one accused has joined the investigation, said deputy commissioner of police (Northwest)...
Guess who’s afraid of CAA-tested student power on campus? -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph First-year undergraduate and postgraduate candidates of Jamia Millia Islamia began a boycott of their online classes on Monday Most first-year undergraduate and postgraduate students of Jamia Millia Islamia began a boycott of their online classes on Monday, demanding reopening of physical classes amid a widespread feeling that the Centre wants them to stay away from a campus it deems troublesome. Some commentators had earlier expressed fears elsewhere that autocratic regimes could...
More »Communal Clashes During Ram Navami Rallies In 4 States, 2 Killed: 10 Points -Anurag Dwary
-NDTV.com An unidentified body was recovered from Gujarat's Khambhat following clashes over a Ram Navami procession New Delhi: Communal clashes broke out in four states - Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and West Bengal - during processions yesterday to mark Ram Navami - the festival celebrating the birth of Hindu God Ram. Here are the top 10 points of this big story: * Parts of Madhya Pradesh's Khargone were placed under curfew after violence and...
More »Day after massive blaze, Delhi’s garbage dump still smouldering -Karn Pratap Singh
-The Hindustan Times Delhi police registered a first information report in connection with the landfill fire against unknown persons on Tuesday. New Delhi: Over 30 hours after a major fire broke out at east Delhi’s Ghazipur landfill site -- Delhi’s biggest waste dump -- firefighters on Tuesday continued to put out the blaze even as they battled swampy stretches, a hostile terrain which their vehicles could not tread, challenge to reach the...
More »Centre introduces bill to collect prisoners' biological samples -Imran Ahmed Siddiqui
-The Telegraph Rights activists say the provisions can be used to suppress dissent and intimidate political protesters New Delhi: The Centre on Monday introduced a bill in the Lok Sabha that authorises law-enforcing agencies to collect a wide spectrum of physical and biological samples from people convicted, arrested or merely held in preventive detention, without having to seek a magistrate’s permission. Rights activists said the provisions could be used to suppress dissent and...
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