-PTI/ The Hindu 5,950 people shifted to safer places; rescue operations under way, says CM The flood situation is “grim” in north Madhya Pradesh where over 1,200 villages were affected following Heavy Rainfall and 5,950 people were shifted to safer places with the help of the Army, the NDRF, the BSF and State agencies, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Wednesday. He said 1,950 persons were still stranded in flood-hit areas and...
Inadequate Relief Measures Anger Flood Affected People of Bengal -Sandip Chakraborty
-Newsclick.in The lack of proper relief measures has caused the locals in the worst-hit regions to protest against the local TMC leaders and administration. Kolkata: Inadequacy of relief measures are plaguing four flood affected districts of West Bengal—Howrah, Hooghly, West Medinipur, and Burdwan—as Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) continues to release water following Heavy Rainfall in the catchment areas. There are protests breaking out in areas under affected and leaders of the ruling...
More »How climate change is changing the Indian monsoon -Bibek Bhattacharya
-Livemint Lounge Climate change is making the monsoon more erratic and violent. Lounge speaks to experts to understand the forces shaping India's season of rains When we talk about climate change impacts, the word that’s often used is “unprecedented”, that which can’t be measured by any given yardstick. Something unprecedented happened over the Western Ghats between 19-25 July. For about a week, a large section of the range, especially in Maharashtra, was...
More »Bihar farmers stare at huge loss of Kharif crops due to erratic monsoon rainfall -CK Manoj
-Down to Earth Late transplantation of paddy crops may lead to crop yield loss of up to 50 per cent An erratic monsoon has dented the hopes of Bihar’s farmers of a good Kharif 2021. The rainfall was very heavy in parts of the state and scanty in others, because of which the cultivators have not been able to transplant paddy seedlings or sow maize seeds. Around 50 per cent of the...
More »Need for more weather safety awareness and lightning warning tools to save human lives
Media reports indicate that at the start of the southwest monsoon season, lightning strikes caused the death of over 70 people in the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh on a single day i.e. 11th July, 2021. Prior to those separate events related to human casualty caused by thunderbolts, eighteen elephants were found dead on a hilltop at Kandali Proposed Reserve Forest situated in Assam's Nagaon district on...
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