-The New Indian Express A detailed probe is underway after the FIR was registered against Soni under relevant sections of the SC/ST Atrocities Prevention Act. LUCKNOW: The principal of a primary school in Vanpurwa Gaderi gram panchayat of Amethi district of UP made students belonging to the Scheduled Castes sit in different queues during the mid-day meals on the school premises. An FIR has been registered and the school principal has been suspended. A...
Why is it difficult for children from underprivileged sections of the society to get their lessons online? Read this new report to know.
Remote teaching and learning promoted by Edtech companies as an alternative to physical classrooms, especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, may have a sizeable consumer base in our country. However, at the bottom of the pyramid, there are only a few takers of online education. In reality, class and caste-divide, which is more prominent in rural areas, affects access to digital learning. The majority of the school going...
More »80% of Indian Children Learnt Lesser During the Pandemic: UNICEF Report -Ditsa Bhattacharya
-Newsclick.in UNICEF urged governments to prioritise the safe reopening of all schools, while also ensuring that children are able to pursue quality learning remotely if necessary. At least 80% of children in India between the age of 14-18 years reported lower levels of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic than when physically at school, according to a recent UNICEF report. The report pointed out that despite government, private and civil society actors coming together...
More »How school closures have hurt our less fortunate students more -Rukmini S
-Livemint.com Beset by poor technology access and ineffective online classes, students from poor households have lost reading abilities significantly, suggests a new survey covering 15 states. The losses are much more stark for students from marginalized communities With most Indian schools shut for the past year and a half, children from poor households, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds, are rapidly forgetting what they had learned before the pandemic, new survey data suggests. Less...
More »14 States set to reopen schools for classes X-XII
-The Hindu Almost 50% of teachers vaccinated. At least 14 States and Union Territories have reopened or plan to reopen schools partially this month, given the continued low numbers of COVID-19 infection and the high rate of vaccination among teachers. However, almost all States only plan to bring back older students despite the Indian Council of Medical Research’s recommendation to start with primary school students. At a Health Ministry press conference on Tuesday,...
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