-The Hindu Amid criticism from SC/ST panel, experts say project must continue Now in her late twenties, Veeramma Selvan of Thekkekadampara tribal hamlet in Sholayur gram panchayat of Attappady has reasons to believe that her gods have stopped smiling. It was in January last year that she lost her five-month-old, underweight son Balu — her fourth child — allegedly due to milk aspiration. (a medical condition in which the mother's milk goes...
Read the distress signals -Ajit Ranade
-The Hindu Farming must be treated as a market-based enterprise and made viable on its own terms The week-long farmers’ march which reached Mumbai earlier this month, on the anniversary of Gandhi’s Dandi March of 1930, was unprecedented in many ways. It was mostly silent and disciplined, mostly leaderless, non-disruptive and non-violent, and well organised. It received the sympathy of middle class city dwellers, food and water from bystanders, free medical services...
More »From ideas to action
-The Hindu Business Line The National Health Protection Scheme is promising but sketchy The National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), which promises to provide a cover of ?5 lakh each to 10 crore households (50 crore people, or about 40 per cent of the population), marks a big step forward to make secondary and tertiary healthcare affordable to the poor. The initiative is likely to reduce “catastrophic” out-of-pocket expenses, which are estimated to...
More »IMA strike call may hit private OPDs today
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Services at private hospitals in India are likely to be hit on Tuesday as the Indian Medical Association has called for suspending routine services for 12 hours in protest against the National Medical Commission Bill, which seeks to replace Medical Council of India with a new body. The bill is likely to be debated in Parliament on Tuesday. OPDs of private hospitals may be hit...
More »Doctors call Tuesday shutdown over bill -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's largest association of doctors today called for a 12-hour nationwide shutdown of outpatient and routine services on Tuesday to protest against a bill that proposes a new regulatory structure to replace the corruption-tainted Medical Council of India. The Indian Medical Association, seeking to intensify its opposition to the National Medical Commission 2017 bill tabled by the Union health ministry in Parliament on Friday, has asked doctors to...
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