-PTI The maximum cases were reported from West Bengal (15.1 per cent) during 2016. A total of 55,944 children were traced at the end of the year 2016 in the country. Crime against children in India has increased by a sharp 11 per cent between 2015 and 2016 , according to the latest data released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). Going by absolute numbers, it’s an increase of 12,786 reported...
Vijoo Krishnan, Joint Secretary of All-India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), interviewed by Chandrakanth Viswanath (News18.com)
-News18.com When over 50,000 farmers in Maharashtra marched towards Mumbai with similar demands on Sunday, they followed Vijoo Krishnan, a man hailing from a small hamlet in Kerala's Kannur, which has turned out to be a great source of inspiration to the millions of Communists in the state. On December 20, 1946, in Karivelloor, a small village in the northern part of Kerala — then called Malabar, which was a part of...
More »Bid to 'disrobe' women: Odisha tops national list -Sampad Patnaik
-The Indian Express Police say that in many cases, including in Baripada, Bargarh and Bhubaneswar, the women targeted were in the company of men not related to them. “I CANNOT talk about it because I want to forget it. I have been humiliated enough,” says the girl, gesturing to her family members to not talk about the incident. Her molesters had even uploaded a video of her being forcibly stripped in...
More »Police's Continued Victimisation of 'Denotified' Tribal Communities Can No Longer Go Unchallenged -Sujata Gothoskar
-TheWire.in Years of stigmatisation and harassment have pushed members of the Pardhi and other Adivasi communities in Bhopal to come together and protest police impunity. Fed up with Police Harassment, Indramal Bai committed suicide in the Gandhi Nagar basti of Bhopal on November 20, 2017. Nothing has changed over the last decade since Tanti Bai, a 14 year old, committed suicide for the very same reason on January 19, 2007. Both were...
More »Sedition in India: Only two of 112 cases registered between 2014 and 2016 resulted in convictions -Abhishek Dey
-Scroll.in ‘The primary reason for the abysmally low conviction rate for sedition cases is that the law is misapplied,’ said senior advocate Sanjay Hegde. The Indian police registered 112 cases of sedition across the country between 2014 and 2016, but only two have led to convictions, according to a report released by the National Crime Records Bureau on Thursday and a government statement in Parliament last year. The National Crime Records Bureau’s annual...
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