-The Indian Express After the market rates crashed to Rs 1-2 per kg, only 565 tomato growers across Haryana received the average price difference payment of Rs 2,136. Kurukshatra: Jasbir Saini shows a message on his iBall mobile phone displaying an amount of Rs 296 credited to his bank account. That’s what the 47-year-old has received as “differential price” on the distress sale of his tomato crop under the Haryana government’s Bhavantar...
'Jumla' tag on 'record' farm support prices -R Suryamurthy, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury and JP Yadav
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government on Wednesday raised the minimum support price for the common variety of paddy by what it described as a "historic" margin, seeking to address rural disquiet that the BJP has identified as one of its weaknesses in the run-up to key elections. However, a powerful lobby of farmers has termed it a "jumla" (an idiomatic expression that loosely translates as a hollow promise or...
More »'Wrong Cost Calculation': Modi Govt's Big Move to Woo Farmers Gets a Thumbs Down -Rounak Kumar Gunjan
-News18.com CCEA in its meeting on Wednesday approved an increase in MSP for summer crops, especially paddy and Dal, as a move to fulfil its Budget promise and address farmers' concerns about the cost of crops. New Delhi: The Cabinet’s decision to increase minimum support price (MSP) for Kharif crops, intended to appease farmers, does not seem to have struck the right chord. CCEA in its meeting on Wednesday approved an increase...
More »UP's Musahars face such intense discrimination that even healthcare is denied to them -Tarun Kanti Bose
-Scroll.in Untouchability was outlawed in 1950, but discrimination and segregation of the scheduled caste remains pervasive. Musahars, a Scheduled Caste that sections of Hindu society deem untouchable, are still being denied government entitlements such as state pensions and housing. The discrimination is blatant when it comes to accessing government healthcare in Badagaon administrative block of Varanasi district in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous province. The scourge of discrimination is so pervasive that...
More »State's farmers discover there is life beyond rice and wheat, take to animal farming, fishery -Arjun Sharma
-Firstpost.com Chandigarh: With extensive rice farming in Punjab taking an increasing toll on groundwater reserves and soil health, government agencies are now asking farmers to diversify into profitable allied trades including dairy and pig farming and fisheries. Farmers are also being asked to cultivate crops other than paddy. Farmers in different parts of the state have started growing other, more profitable crops alongside rice. In a break with the fertiliser and pesticide-driven...
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