-The Hindu The Central Public Information Officer of the Supreme Court has informed RTI activist Subash Chandra Agrawal that Chief Justice of India S.H. Kapadia was yet to pass appropriate orders for the setting up of a Constitution Bench to hear cases relating to declaration of assets by judges and other connected issues. The CPIO, in her letter, said the matter was placed before the CJI on December 8, 2010. The...
Land for the boys by MJ Antony
In its wisdom, the state giveth and the state taketh away. When it acquires farmlands claiming eminent domain, there is blood on the streets. However, when it quietly bestows largesse on chosen ones, it is barely noticed. At worst there is a lawsuit. There were a dozen lengthy judgments from the Supreme Court in the past two months on land acquisition disputes — a mark of the times. But the biased...
More »Lawyers to strike work on June 8 to protest cop action
-The Times of India Lawyers of the four district court complexes in the capital on Monday decided to strike work for a day on June 8 to protest against the malady of corruption in society and police swoop on yoga guru Baba Ramdev's supporters on Saturday night to evict them from the Ramlila Maidan. The Bar Associations of Patiala House Court, Tis Hazari Court, Dwarka Court and Rohini Court have...
More »Weighing The Scales by Anuradha Raman
A caveat: Is the Lokpal the right authority to investigate judges? Legal luminaries think otherwise. Five Points Of Contention Pro-Lokpal Bill activists want the higher judiciary to come under the purview of the new law. Jurists think otherwise. Point: Nowhere in the world is there an ombudsman to whom the entire higher judiciary is made accountable Counterpoint: The Lokpal Bill must ensure powers to probe corruption charges against SC and HC judges Independence of...
More »Freedom of the press and journalistic ethics by Markandey Katju
Freedom is important, so is responsibility. In countries like India, the media have a responsibility to fight backward ideas such as casteism and communalism, and help the people fight poverty and other social evils. Freedom of the press and journalistic ethics is an important topic today in India — with the word ‘press' encompassing the electronic media also. There should be a serious discussion on the topic. That discussion should include...
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