-The Hindu The State has seen a 67.4 per cent growth in the number of establishments. Among the larger States, Uttar Pradesh has seen the highest growth in enterprises and employment generation over the past decade, outstripping the economically strong states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra and Punjab, according to data from the Sixth Economic Census released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Uttar Pradesh has seen a 67.4 per cent growth...
Rural to urban migration in India: Why labour mobility bucks global trend -Kaivan Munshi & Mark Rosenzweig
-The Indian Express The percentage of the adult population for four large developing countries — China, India, Indonesia and Nigeria — who are living in cities, as well as the change in this percentage between 1975 and 2000, are plotted in chart. Rural-urban migration is exceptionally low in India. Changes in the rural and urban population between decennial censuses over the period 1961-2001 indicate that the migration rate for working age...
More »Pace of Job Growth slows to six-year low -Somesh Jha
-The Hindu July-September quarter usually sees more jobs added New jobs in eight labour-intensive industries fell to a six-year low in the first nine months of 2015 — with just 1.55 lakh new jobs being created compared to over three lakh jobs over the same period in 2013 and 2014, according to Labour Bureau data. Analysts said this was not a healthy sign, especially since the July-September quarter usually sees more jobs being...
More »From Plate to Plough: Raising farmers’ income by 2022 -Ashok Gulati & Shweta Saini
-The Indian Express The picture is completed by the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (crop insurance) and e-market platform that he is going to launch on April 14. For the last two months, the Narendra Modi government seems to have gone into an overdrive to appease farmers. Several farmer rallies have been organised and the common theme has been the PM’s “dream” to double the incomes of farmers by 2022. According to...
More »Celebrating World Water Day in the shadow of drought -Pretika Khanna
-Livemint.com As the world celebrates World Water Day on 22 March, the situation in India is grim New Delhi: As the world celebrates World Water Day on 22 March, the situation in India is grim. In Maharashtra’s parched Latur district, the collector has imposed Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, banning the assembly of more than five people near tanker-filling points, public wells, tanker-plying routes and storage tanks. The ban, which...
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