-The Hindu Earlier, under the ECI guideline 16.6, only the VVPAT slips from one EVM in every Assembly segment/constituency was subjected to physical verification. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday increased voter verified paper audit trial (VVPAT) verification to five random Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in each Assembly segment/constituency. In case of general elections, VVPAT slips of five EVMs in each Assembly segment of a Parliamentary Constituency would be subject to physical...
Farmers in western TN demand social security -T Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu Unable to sustain their primary occupation, many are said to have begun migrating to cities to work as daily-wage labourers COIMBATORE: KM Ramagoundar, president of the Tamizhaga Vivasayigal Sangam and a farmer based out of Karugur, about 25 km from Krishnagiri, is a frustrated man these days. “Even the so-called big farmers, who own five or six acres, have started going to Bengaluru, where they are working as daily-wage labourers. This...
More »MPs' Development Funds Unspent = Cost Of Building 100,000 Houses After Cyclone Gaja -Faizi Noor Ahmad
-IndiaSpend.com Mumbai: Members of Parliament (MP) in the 16th Lok Sabha utilised 85% of the developmental funds they were allocated, leaving 15% unutilised--Rs 1,806.08 crore of the total amount of Rs 12,051.36 crore, a remainder larger than the Rs 1,700 crore that the Tamil Nadu government will spend to build 100,000 houses for people displaced by Cyclone Gaja. MPs from Meghalaya, Delhi, Chandigarh, Gujarat and Sikkim led the country in utilising their...
More »88 lakh missing tax filers in year of noteban: I-T denies, facts don't -Khushboo Narayan
-The Indian Express Stop filers are individuals who filed returns in earlier years but did not do so in the current year even though they are liable to do so. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Thursday said it “does not have any word ‘Stop Filers’ in its glossary and it does not maintain any database of ‘Stop Filers’ in normal course”. This was in response to the April 4 report...
More »BJP No Less Dynastic Than Congress, Lok Sabha Data Show -Tish Sanghera
-IndiaSpend.com Mumbai: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has had a similar number of ‘dynasts’ amongst its elected parliamentarians over the past two decades as the Indian National Congress (Congress), shows our analysis of a new dataset containing the biographical profiles of all 4,807 parliamentarians since India’s first parliament in 1952. Since 1999, the Congress has had 36 dynastic MPs elected to the Lok Sabha, with the BJP not far behind with 31....
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