-Scroll.in/ India Spend Women earn between Rs 70 and Rs 80 for every Rs 100 that men earn. India’s workforce has fewer women than it did six years ago: no more than 18% in rural areas are employed, compared to 25% in 2011-’12 and 14% in urban areas from 15% in 2011-’12. However, in urban areas, the percentage of women in salaried jobs has increased from 35.6% in 2004 to 52.1% in...
India's non-agrarian rural economy struggles for sustenance -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth Farmers and farm labourers, who want to quit agriculture, are stuck in the non-remunerative work since other sectors are not generating jobs at the required rate We are fairly sure by now that the upcoming Budget would be the first government instrument towards the prime minister’s ambitious plan of making India a $5 trillion economy by 2024. Currently, India is nearly a $2.8 trillion economy. It is obvious we...
More »India's missed growth opportunities -Nikita Kwatra
-Livemint.com * In her new book, Puja Mehra analyses the political and economic policies of a decade that have brought India’s growth rate to its current crisis * She uses her insights as a trained economist as well as journalist to explain the workings of the governments in power In the last couple of years, India has been on a shaky growth path, regularly being called “the world’s fastest-growing economy" and losing grip...
More »Reviving traditional harvesting systems can unlock 6,000 crore litres of water -Mohit M Rao
-The Hindu Bengaluru: In the arid Budnahatti village just beyond Challakere, the four borewells dug to provide villagers with drinking water have started drying up because of consecutive droughts. “There is barely one inch of water yield from here, not enough for everyone in the village. We have requisitioned authorities to drill three more borewells, but we may have to go more than 1,000 feet deep to get some water,” says Eswarappa,...
More »Which one is a better indicator for depicting the problem of joblessness -- Proportion Unemployed or Unemployment Rate?
In a recent blog post, Columbia University professor Arvind Panagariya mentions that the critics of the present Prime Minister of India failed to underscore ‘employment rate’ -- flip side of unemployment rate -- that stood at nearly 94 percent according to the report on Periodic Labour Force Survey 2017-18. A recent article by Dr. Vikas Rawal and Prachi Bansal, however, points out that in order to understand the problem of joblessness...
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