-Hindustan Times According to data shared by the department, around 560,000 children were enrolled in Delhi’s anganwadi centres before the lockdown was enforced in March, a number which has since shot up Over 100,000 children have enrolled in the city’s anganwadi centres over the course of the pandemic, official data shows, as families whose incomes have been severely hit over the past few month move their children from private institutions in search...
Ongoing farmer protests have no parallels in recent memory -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Farmers from Punjab and Haryana are well prepared for a long haul after occupying highways leading to the national capital New Delhi: Hundreds of thousands of farmers from Punjab and Haryana have stationed themselves at Delhi’s doorstep leading to an unprecedented standoff between the centre and farmer unions. In the past few years, farmer protests in Delhi were largely a day or a two-day event packed with speeches demanding loan waivers...
More »Q2 GDP shows surprising resilience: Is it good enough to last?
-Livemint.com/ PTI * 'Despite being the worst affected sector in Q1(due to lockdown), it is quite puzzling how manufacTuring Turned itself around in Q2,' says Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic Adviser, SBI * There is evidence of inventory buildup that could act as a drag on fuTure manufacTuring growth, says Ghosh New Delhi: The surprise resilience shown by the manufacTuring sector that restricted GDP contraction to only 7.5 per cent in September...
More »Firms show increase in profits even as sales fall -Vineet Sachdev
-Hindustan Times The average PE (price earnings) multiple of Sensex companies , which measures the price of a stock as a multiple of its earnings per share, has risen to 31.49 in the current month, the highest since 1998-99 . The BSE Sensex, India’s benchmark stock market index, reached an all-time high of 44,825 on Wednesday, November 25. There is reason to believe that speculation and external tailwinds, rather than strong fundamentals,...
More »Human development index: India performs worse than G-20 developing countries -Rajiv Shah
-Counterview.net A new book, “Sustainable Development in India: A Comparison with the G-20”, authored by Dr Keshab Chandra Mandal, has regretted that though India’s GDP has doubled over the last one decade, its human development indicators are worse than not just developed countries of the Group of 20 countries but also developing countries who its members. The G-20 – consisting of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan,...
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