Despite Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan's assurance that the government would not go ahead with the Jaitapur nuclear power plant unless it was fully secure, the nuclear power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has already sought tenders for building a concrete testing laboratory and a meteorological laboratory at Madhban, the proposed site of the plant. Long-term dangers cited As per the advertisement issued in a Marathi daily on Tuesday, the NPCIL called...
India cannot abandon nuclear power: Ramesh
Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has said that though India needs to learn appropriate lessons from the crisis at Japan's nuclear plants, the country cannot give up on nuclear energy. "What has happened in Japan is very serious. We will have to learn appropriate lessons and whatever additional safeguards, additional precautions are required we must take, but I don't believe India can abandon nuclear energy (programme)," Ramesh told mediapersons here yesterday. As...
More »Budget falls short on basics by PV Indiresan
The Budget should be an instrument of economic discipline and a promoter of healthy social development. As it is, it is like a leaky tap; it cannot halt inflation without disciplining political skulduggery. March 21, 2011: A lot has been written about the Budget, how it affects this or that industry or business, or how it will increase or decrease the GNP growth rate. Undoubtedly, all those factors are important. But...
More »India’s Nuclear Neros by Praful Bidwai
The colossal hubris, ignorance and smugness of India’s nuclear czars take one’s breath away. The day Japan’s crisis took a decisive turn for the worse, with an explosion in a third Fukushima reactor and fresh radiation leaks, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) secretary Sreekumar Banerjee declared that the nuclear crisis “was purely a chemical reaction and not a nuclear emergency as described by some section(s) of media”. nuclear power Corporation...
More »Govt likely to go slow on Jaitapur N-plant
An amber light is flashing on the proposed Jaitapur nuclear power plant with the project expected to proceed only after apprehensions raised by the Japanese tsunami in the public mind have been thoroughly assuaged. The widely televised and reported struggle of Japan's nuclear establishment in containing overheating nuclear cores at the Fukushima power plant have rung alarm bells in India with environment minister Jairam Ramesh calling for more reviews and the...
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