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Women farmers focus of Rajasthan govt's new subsidy scheme -Rakesh Goswami

-Hindustan Times The scheme launched to give more subsidies to farmers will prefer women for benefits for gender mainstreaming in agriculture, said officials Jaipur: The Rajasthan Government will focus on women farmers in a new subsidy scheme for livelihood improvement, said officials. The scheme launched to give more subsidies to farmers will prefer women for benefits for gender mainstreaming in agriculture, the officials added. The scheme will be run by the water resources department...

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Extreme weather events destroying our economy in a big way, indicates official data

Sporadic natural events like floods and droughts have made headlines in recent times. An official report, which was released in April this year, among other things, shows that extreme weather events have taken a huge toll on both human and cattle lives, personal property and crops grown by farmers and farm workers. A chapter on extreme weather events and natural disasters in the report entitled EnviStats India 2019, Vol. I: Environment...

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Time to TOP up -Ashok Gulati & Harsh Wardhan

-The Indian Express Tomatoes-onions-potatoes face extreme price volatility. Addressing it requires sustainable solutions, not temporary ad hoc measures. Last month, on September 13, when onion retail prices crossed Rs 40/kg in Delhi, the Government was hyperactive and imposed a minimum export price (MEP) of $850/tonne. Later on, as prices went further up to Rs 50-60/kg, stocking limits were imposed on traders and exports of onions were banned. It created problems in...

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The Government needs to midwife Indian agriculture to an organic revolution -Abhik Roy and Nikhil Kumar

-Down to Earth Instead of making it difficult for the organic farmers, Government should devise methods to reduce the complexity of the certification process Organic farming is native to India. However, since 1966, with the inception of the Green Revolution in India, it has taken a backseat. The transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture shifted the objective of farming. The need to change the methods of farming to meet the demands of...

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Ethanol policy for millers -- farmers left high and dry -Raju Shetti

-The Indian Express More than 90 per cent of the cane returns are spent by farmers. as cultivation cost and for repayment of crop loans. So how would these farmers survive for a year or more without receiving their entire produce amount by a sugar mill? The sugar industry was unanimous in hailing the push given by the Narendra Modi Government for the production of ethanol. The policy, which was unveiled...

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