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Govt moves to get facial recognition system, sparks fears over privacy

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has initiated the process of installing an automated facial recognition system (AFRS) that will help identify persons by matching digital images, photos and video feeds with an existing database, in a move that raises concerns over privacy. According to the request for proposal (RFP) document seeking open bids for an AFRS solution, the benefits include a robust system for identifying...

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Jal Shakti ministry needs to make urgent course corrections for paradigm shift in water management -Mihir Shah

-The Indian Express The FM has rightly spoken of a “focus on integrated demand and supply side management of water at the local level, including source sustainability and management of household wastewater for reuse in agriculture”. India is not a water-short country. We have merely managed our plentiful water very poorly. What we need, therefore, is a paradigm shift in policy. Could the finance minister (FM) be said to have risen to...

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Meet 'zero budget' Vidarbha farmer who was mentioned in Budget speech -Parthasarathi Biswas

-The Indian Express Subhash Palekar — came in the Union Budget speech of Nirmala Sitharaman, where she talked of the need to “go back to basics” and “replicate this innovative model (that) can help in doubling our farmers’ income in time for our 75th year of Independence”. THE ECONOMIC Survey on Thursday mentioned Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) along with Vedic Farming, Homa Farming and Cow Farming — and how these...

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How WhatsApp messages from Bhutan are saving lives in Assam -Shailendra Yashwant The Third Pole Flash-flood warnings routed through NGOs are giving border villages precious lead-time to escape the wrath of suddenly rising rivers. In the last few weeks of June, a series of WhatsApp messages were sent from Bhutan to India to warn cross-border friends downstream of the Aai, Saralbhanga and Manas rivers about cloud-bursts, swollen rivers and possible flash floods affecting people in the Indian state of Assam. Although originating from officials,...

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Funds for education of SCs, STs slashed in Budget, say rights groups

-The Indian Express It pointed out that fellowships and scholarships for PhD and post-doctoral courses have constantly declined since 2014-15 - from Rs 602 crore to Rs 283 crore in 2019-20 for SC students and from Rs 439 crore to Rs 135 crore for ST students. New Delhi: The funding for secondary and higher education of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) students has received a setback in the Union...

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