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Not enough jobs, PRIvate investments missing: What's wrong with the world's fastest growing economy? -Dinesh Unnikrishnan A report from rating agency CARE, released early this week, revealed that India's employment scenario is not looking good. It said job growth in corporate India moderated to 3.8 percent in fiscal year 2018, from 4.2 percent in the previous fiscal and the problem is most severe with smaller companies.     The report, based on an analysis of over 1,600 corporates, said smaller companies with net sales of less than Rs...

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How have house PRIces changed in your city? -Varun B Krishnan

-The Hindu Housing PRIces have increased in the first quarter of 2018-19 compared to the same period in 2017-18, according to the Reserve Bank of India's latest House PRIce Index (HPI) release. HPI is an indicator of change in housing PRIces. This means that if the HPI has increased, house PRIces have increased on an average, and vice versa. It takes into account the average PRIce of houses per square metre, size...

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The India that does not shine is bigger than the India that does -Anup Sinha

-The Telegraph The obsession with economic growth and the stock market hides other important facts about the condition of the economy Every time quarterly or monthly reports of the Indian economy are announced there is a reaction in the media. If the results are worse than the previous ones, then impending doom is forecast. If the results are better than the previous ones, there is unbridled optimism about future economic prospects. Both...

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Over 50 crore mobiles with Aadhaar KYC could be disconnected -Pankaj Doval

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: There could be a fresh KYC headache for over 50 crore mobile connections, or almost half of India’s phone population. They stare at the prospect of disconnection if SIM cards procured on the basis of Aadhaar verification are not backed up by a fresh identification. The issue has come to the fore following the Supreme Court’s judgment on Aadhaar where the court barred PRIvate companies from...

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Narendra Modi Could Have Learnt so Much From GD Agarwal. But It's Too Late Now. -Rohit Kumar While the PM proclaimed in 2014 that ‘Maa Ganga had called him’ and spent the next four years spending close to Rs 5,000 crore publicising himself and advertising his intentions, the other man led a life of near-obscurity working away year after year for the cause of a cleaner Ganga. The act of public fasting has been so completely reduced to political gimmickry in recent times that it barely registers in...

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