-The Hindu Title holding in-laws refuse to share benefits like Rythu Bandhu Hyderabad: Lakshmi is a woman farmer with a small holding in Gadsingapur village of Pargi mandal in Vikarabad district. She is left with two children, both girls, after her husband committed suicide a few years ago unable to bear the burden of mounting debts. She grew paddy and groundnut in her one acre land for some time, but later has been...
Agri sector: No fireworks in the short term -Rajalakshmi Nirmal
-The Hindu Business Line However, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana will give instant relief to the rural India, improving demand for agri inputs BJP’s election manifesto promised many things for farmers. Now that it is clear that the NDA-led coalition is going to be back in power, companies in the agri space — manufacturers of seeds, fertilisers, agro-chemicals and farm equipment — will stand to benefit. However, do not expect fireworks immediately. Had it...
More »Water experts warn of 'desertification' of Marathwada -Shoumojit Banerjee
-The Hindu Say policymakers induce farmers to adopt incongruent crop pattern, causing water crisis Pune: The water crisis in Maharashtra is a “policy-induced failure”, according to economists and water academics who have specifically warned of the ‘desertification’ of the parched Marathwada region in the near future. “It is the ecological illiteracy of policy-makers and the selfishness of the power elite in inducing farmers across Marathwada to adopt a crop pattern that is not...
More »Farmers demand survey of land before implementing Title Guarantee Act -KV Kurmanath
-The Hindu Business Line Many countries have introduced Title Guarantee Acts to end uncertainty, duplication of land title deeds and endless disputes over the ownership of land holdings. Hyderabad: Farmers' unions and activists, on Tuesday, have asked the Telangana government to conduct a comprehensive survey of the land in the state before proceeding with the Title Guarantee Act. They said that the the state government should also introduce an exclusive Act to deal...
More »With growing debt and farmer suicides, agrarian crisis in India on the rise
-The New Indian Express As polling season concludes across the country, The Sunday Standard puts an ear to the ground and listens in to the expectations that India has from its next government NEW DELHI: Agrarian irony cries out in Punjab, the food bowl of the country, with farmers’ indebtedness only growing in recent years. The agrarian irony is marked by overproduction in the face of inadequate price, with lopsided institutional credit,...
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