-The Times of India The Gujarat high court on Wednesday quashed the charges of sedition that former Ahmedabad police commissioner O P Mathur had filed against The Times of India's Ahmedabad edition in June 2008. The court quashed all five FIRs, which accused the resident editor and the correspondent of inciting people against the police. The FIRs had been filed after TOI ran a series of investigative reports on Mathur's suspected underworld...
Microbiologist slams Mamata government, says democracy in peril
-The Hindustan Times Democracy is in peril in West Bengal, Partha Sarothi Ray alleged within hours of walking free from jail on Wednesday, after a number of intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his release. Ray was arrested on April 8 for participating in a sit-in demonstration protesting the eviction of about 200 families from Nonadanga by the Mamata Banerjee administration. He was granted bail on Wednesday, after...
More »Capturing the cartoonist-Madabhushi Sridhar
One tweet that had many cracking up was: “Dear Mamata, normally the cartoonist tries to capture the subject. Not vice versa.” The allegation was that Professor Ambikesh Mahapatra has used email id of his neighbour Subrata Sengupta (70) to forward an e-mail containing a graphic with a humorous reference to Mamata Banerjee for replacing Dinesh Trivedi with Mukul Roy as Railway Minister. The graphic uses photographs of the three Trinamool...
More »CBI cracks racket of fake I-T returns, I-T refunds-Rahul Tripathi
In what the CBI says could be the “tip of an iceberg”, the agency has found at least 1,100 cases of allegedly fraudulent refund checks issued by the Income Tax department that has resulted in the illegal withdrawal of more than Rs 6 crore over the last three months. The CBI has arrested two persons, including an accountant: Pankaj Kumar Gupta and Amit Kumar Sharma. Both, allegedly in league with IT...
More »Public figures write to PM on arrest of Kolkata scientist-Nitin Sethi
The high-handedness of the Trinamool government in West Bengal has now raised international concern. This time it's the arrest of Partho Sarothi Ray, a molecular biologist of international repute. National Advisory Council member Aruna Roy and renowned intellectual Noam Chomsky and more than four dozen other prominent scientists and public figures from across India and other countries have written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to get the academician released after...
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