-The Times of India Pointing out that the government extended windfall gains of Rs 1.86 lakh crore to private players by distributing coal blocks without bidding over years, the CAG has said, "A part of this financial gain could have accrued to the national exchequer by operationalizing the decision taken years earlier to introduce competitive bidding for allocation of coal blocks. Therefore, audit is of strong opinion that there is a...
A misdirected audit
-The Indian Express When the Delhi Development Authority had the sole right to build houses in the capital, it was unable to meet the demand from an expanding population. If private builders stepped in to build where the DDA was not doing so, is it a fair calculation to say that the profit they could make was a loss to the government exchequer? The CAG’s estimate of loss to the government...
More »Amartya Sen, Nobel laureate interviewed by Sagarika Ghose
Nobel laureate Amartya Sen believes that Team Anna's reading of corruption or what causes corruption or how it can removed is wrong, and that they need to look at how the economic system operates. In an exclusive interview with CNN-IBN Deputy Editor Sagarika Ghose, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said that instead of fasting and protesting, one should try and change the systems that provided incentives for corruption. Below is the transcript of...
More »‘Only auction’ approach not correct, AG tells court-J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Auction alone cannot be insisted upon for disposal of all types of natural resources, Attorney General (AG) G.E. Vahanvati asserted in the Supreme Court on Thursday. Such an approach mandated in the 2G judgment, apart from being impractical in certain situations, can be counter-productive and can impact planned and coordinated growth and economy of the country, the AG told a five-judge Constitution Bench comprising Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justices...
More »Govt accepts auction for allocating 2G spectrum
-CNN-IBN The Central Government on Thursday accepted before the Supreme Court the auction route for allocating 2G spectrum. Attorney General G E Vahanvati told the Supreme Court that the Centre favoured auction for future sale of spectrum. But the government is yet to decide on whether it favours auction for sale of all scarce natural resources to commercial parties. The apex court had on Wednesday said that it cannot reject the presidential reference...
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