Safar Ali Mollah, 18, a paddy farmer, committed suicide by drinking pesticide at Kalitikuri village under Bhatar police station area on Friday night. Only three days ago, Bhabani Porel (45), paddy farmer of Chanduli village under Burdwan Sadar Police Station area committed suicide by hanging from a tree. Safar was unable to sell paddy crop at the Minimum Support Price (MSP) stipulated by the state government which landed him in a...
Expert glare falls on disease by Sumi Sukanya
A high-level team of doctors and scientists today visited the paediatrics ward of Anugrah Narayan Medical College and Hospital (ANMCH) in Gaya and scanned the case records of children suspected to be suffering from Japanese and acute encephalitis. Its members also inspected the treatment methods on the concluding day of their three-day investigation. The team of members from Delhi, Pune and Patna was in Gaya to carry out on-the-spot study of...
More »Auditor may have taken PAC’s cue by Appu Esthose Suresh
Exact math used by the government’s auditor in its calculation of losses and the process it followed still unclear The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) may have taken a cue from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) while calculating losses arising from the improper allocation of second-generation spectrum to telecom companies in 2008 (or the so-called 2G scam), according to documents reviewed by Mint. This is not to suggest that the...
More »Nun who led mining protest murdered by Rajesh Kumar Pandey
A nun from Kerala, known for her decade-long agitation that ensured villagers were adequately compensated before a coal mining company was allowed to begin operations, was murdered near her home in Pakur district last night. Sister Valsa John (53) was dragged out from her rented house in Pachuara village, 60km from the district headquarters, around 10.30pm and attacked by a gang with weapons, resulting in her immediate death, said IG Arun...
More »Health Minister's removal sought over malaria deaths by Mahim Pratap Singh
With the malaria situation in Madhya Pradesh reaching a critical level as the death toll increasing consistently every day, the BJP government has been slammed by the Opposition parties for its alleged failure to contain the epidemic-like situation and they have demanded removal of State Health Minister Narottam Mishra. Mr. Mishra had incidentally told media persons last week that he was not fully aware of the situation. While the exact state-wide death...
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