A bill to raise the ceiling of gratuity for employees to Rs10 lakh from Rs 3.5 lakh was passed by the Lok Sabha without discussion Monday. The House, which witnessed an opposition furore over the 2G spectrum “scam” and reports about alleged involvement of a central minister in an illegal arms deal, also adopted the Employees’ State Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2009 without any debate. The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill 2010, introduced...
Mortal Melting Pots by Debarshi Dasgupta
Around two decades ago, Lawrence Summers, then World Bank chief economist, outraged many when he argued in an internal memo that the economic logic behind dumping toxic waste in low-wage countries was “impeccable”. His rationale: less developed countries are “under-polluted” and that “foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality” would be lesser in countries with lower wages. Cut to now and the thing to ask is: does India too believe...
More »New rules for e-waste disposal by May 15: Jairam Ramesh
“85-90 per cent disposal done in Unorganised Sector” Minister says he is against import of used computers in the name of charity Computers, mobiles and other electronic gadgets become e-waste at the end of their life cycle Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh announced in the Rajya Sabha on Monday that the government proposed to come out with a new set of rules for disposal of e-waste by May...
More »Right to Food: Confusion over counting the poor
Asha, a Rag picker holds out a roti with salt and says, "Most days we eat only this. Rice is Rs 20 a kilo. We can't afford two rice meals a day." "It pains to see my family go hungry. But what can you do with Rs. 100 income a day?", adds rickshaw puller, Mohammad Zafar. Zaffar and Asha are homeless who earn about Rs 100 a day for their...
More »Keeping The Poor Alive by Dipankar Gupta
Poverty attracts two kinds of policy interventions. The first hopes to eradicate it and the second wants to keep the poor alive. In India, our prime effort has always been, right from the days of antodaya, to somehow keep the poor ticking, even at the lowest levels of subsistence. The NREGA scheme saves the impoverished from starvation on a six-monthly basis. We see the same mindset at work in the...
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