-Newsclick.in These paddy farmers are getting Rs 1,750 per quintal for selling their rice to the government with a bonus of Rs 300, which makes Rs 2,050 the MSP. Political parties like Congress and Janata Congress Chhattisgarh are highly banking upon the rice farmers of the state to come to the power by forming the government through their promise of giving Rs 2,500 as minimum support price (MSP) on paddy. The paddy farmers...
As Farmers March to Delhi, Climate Change Fuels Their Larger Crisis -Nagraj Adve
-TheWire.in Perhaps we can visualise a farmers’ march 20 years from now, with one more demand: resettlement, for lands and homes they have lost to the vagaries of a shifting climate. A few years ago, a group of us from Delhi, along with members of the Gujarat Agricultural Labour Union and the International Union of Foodworkers, went to eastern Gujarat to speak to farmers about how a changing climate could be affecting...
More »On Delhi's campuses, farmers' outfit and Sainath explain agrarian crisis to students -Furquan Ameen
-The Telegraph Farmers' march to capital on November 29-30 to demand special session of Parliament A farmers’ organisation along with P. Sainath, the award-winning crusader for agriculturists, has been visiting college and university campuses across the country, explaining how agriculture distress affects students. The main mover behind the campus cluster meetings is the All India Kisan Sangharsh Co-ordination Committee, an umbrella organisation of 200 farmers’ outfits, which wants to sensitise students to...
More »West Bengal finds ways to increase organic farming -Sutanuka Ghosal
-The Economic Times West Bengal state agriculture department is geared up to increase organic farming in the state. As part of its drive to increase organic farming, the state is focusing on increasing production of some of the aromatic rice varieties like Radhatilak, Dudhsar, Kalabhat, Kalonuniya. As of now, 17,807 hectares of land are used for organic farming. The department is planning to bring another 10,000 hectares under organic farming. Apart...
More »How can small farmers' income be increased? -Yogesh Upadhyaya
-IndiaWaterPortal.org Here is a look at the challenges faced by small farmers in India and how they can be dealt with. As per the agricultural statistics of 2014, nearly 430 people depend on farming in India while 263 million people are either farmers or agricultural workers. Farmers are major contributors to the growth of Indian economy and their concerns impact policies in the country. Nearly 87 percent of farmers in India...
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