IN THE ‘environment versus development’ debate, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh opted to take the middle path. Addressing environmental concerns was important but it cannot be at the cost of perpetuating poverty, he said. Lest pro-industry groups mistake his stance as undiluted support, Mr Singh stressed that environmental concerns are “here to stay.” If the Greens felt that their writ would run, they too were to be disappointed. He has made...
“Manmohan's comment uncalled for”
The Communist Party of India on Tuesday said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's remark about the Supreme Court on grain distribution was uncalled for and the court order has to be understood in the proper spirit. “It is not an issue of the Supreme Court exceeding its jurisdiction and transgressing into the domain of the executive. One has to understand the proper spirit and the language of the order,” the party's central...
More »Focus on world’s most disadvantaged children can save millions of lives – UNICEF
Investing first in the world’s most disadvantaged children and communities can save millions of lives and help spur progress towards achieving internationally agreed development targets, according to a new study by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The agency found that an equity-based approach, focusing on the needs of the most disadvantaged children, can be a cost-effective strategy to reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – eight targets that include slashing...
More »Food Corporation of India sees Food Rights Day visitors by Akshay Deshmane
The office of Food Corporation of India’s (FCI) manager in Reay Road had some unlikely visitors on Monday morning. Slum dwellers and campaigners affiliated to the Right to Food Campaign staged protests at the office against the state government’s apathy in distributing food to the poor. They also observed the Food Rights Day for the city’s poor, declared by the Movement for Peace and Justice (MPJ), Mumbai division, and Rationing Kruti...
More »Centre releases more food grain, Supreme Court happy
The Supreme Court (SC) surprised many on Monday when it appreciated the Centre’s effort to implement its suggestion and allocate additional 25 lakh tonnes of wheat and rice at a reduced price to people living below poverty line (BPL) within six months. The court had at an earlier hearing taken exception to the Union agriculture ministry’s silence on its suggestion to consider allocating “free” or at low cost wheat likely to...
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